Exact Division

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Exact Division

A well-known musical group, which was officially organized in 1992. At that time, this group was called Exile.
Due to the fact that each of the participants in this project was an active admirer of such a popular musical genre as heavy metal, the band did not have the initial problem, like many other groups, regarding the style in which to present their compositions.
Already according to the established traditions, the debut concert performances of the "Exact Division" project consisted of cover versions of tracks by popular musical groups that played in the genre of heavy metal.
After some time, the musicians began to prepare an absolutely innovative program, which consisted exclusively of songs composed by the performers themselves. For all the time of its existence, the sound of the musical compositions of the band members has become as hard as possible. Artists began to use elements of such a style of music as thrash metal with maximum frequency in their creative activities.
At the onset of 1993, in the month of May, the "Exact Division" collective organizes another concert performance, which lasts more than an hour. This event was held in the hall of the Kiev Physics and Mathematics Lyceum, at the time when the graduation concert was held there.
A year later, the musicians decided to take part in a large-scale concert-presentation of the band's music collection called Innercell. The concert "Over the Great Divide" has become very relevant, it attracted a huge number of visitors who came to listen to the group's musical compositions.
In addition, such musical groups as Accdent and Crusader participated in the show program. After a short period of time, it was decided to suspend the concert creative activity of the collective.
At the onset of 2011, the musicians decided to come together again and continue performing as a well-coordinated talented team of performers. In 2012, in February, they began to engage in rehearsals in full force, working through each future composition. Since the name of the Exile project was not considered unique even in the nearest foreign countries, the team decided to mutually change the former name to a new, more improved one. From now on, the group of musicians was rightfully called Exact Division.
After the project underwent some changes, the guys started active concert activities. They began to understand new material, to create something new. Exact Division have been working on recording an album called "Dirt Jumper" mini-compilation. It is planned to have four tracks with excellent performance. The release of the mini-album is planned in two versions: it will be published on the Internet, and it will also be available for sale in a disc version.